Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our Summary of Governor Snyder's State of the State

For a summary of the State of the State address from the State of Michigan website, click here:
Our Summary of Governor Snyder’s State of the State Address as it pertains to Education:

1.  Governor Snyder placed the EAA—Education Achievement Authority on his priority list.  This is the brand new state wide district that has the mandate to overtake the bottom 3% of schools.  This means that over the years, the take-over will continue up the ladder and the state will run more and more schools.  Many are concerned about local control.  This raises alarms for any public school advocate.

2.  The governor raised three areas for increased funding: Children’s dental care, Early childhood education (Great Start) and early impact mental health services.

3.  He promises that the Education Summit in April will focus on school safety and early detection of mental illness.