This is a must read. If you are still struggling to understand what the issues are that public schools are facing, this letter will really clarify for you. PLEASE READ
Here's just one quote from the letter that is worth noting in particular:
Oxford funding proposal and HB 5923 fail to solve the actual problems
facing Michigan schools. Instead they would worsen those problems and
create a host of new ones. While claiming to advance a plan for globally
competitive schools, the drafters propose a set of policies found in no
high-performing nation’s educational system. While claiming to advance a
modern 21st Century system to replace the old “factory” model of
schooling, they in fact offer a plan based on the grim principles of
19th Century piece work production that relied not on collaboration but
rather on the coercive measurement of individual effort. The proposals
are not based on empirical evidence of what works but rather on faith."