Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Now is the Time to Get Upset

Hello from Your PTA Legislative Committee--

The time is now to contact your legislators regarding the governor's proposed budget. At the Middle School PTA Meeting on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, both Dr. Shubel and School Board President Brian Ellis stated that now is the time to get upset. They report developing a plan to address this extraordinary cut in funding, but their plan will fail if we, as parents, do not take action.

The current cut to public education includes this year's $170 per student cut which will not be replaced, a $300 cut for next school year which combined will be a $470 cut per student from last year's level. Not included in this cut is the rising cost of the retirement rate which is the percentage of every salary dollar that is spent on today's teachers which goes to retirees. This year, the rate jumped to over 20% and will be 24% next year which amounts to another several hundred dollar cut per child. EGRPS has no control over the retirement rate.

In order for the school district to cope with these cuts, drastic cuts to our high achieving school district will have to be made. We will not be able to keep our programs which allow our children to excel. This is a dire time.

Please log onto www.egrpseducationadvocates.blogspot.com to find templates for contacting the Governor Snyder, our new State House Representative Lisa Posthumus Lyons and our State Senator Mark Jansen.

Thank you for your concern and your time.

Lucy Lafleur, Chair EGRPS Legislative Committee