Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Appropriations K-12 Subcommittee Hearing Tomorrow in Lansing


Appropriations K-12 Subcommittee Hearing Tomorrow in Lansing

Keep the pressure on!

Democratic members of the K-12 School Aid Subcommittee have pushed to make sure that even when there was resistance to allowing public testimony on the potential cuts to schools, citizens have a chance to speak their mind. While we've heard from many concerned administrators, superintendents, educators, parents, students, school advocates, we need to make sure every single person has a chance to tell their story. I want to personally thank each and every person who has taken time from their lives to drive to Lansing and advocate for our state's children. I also want to express my regrets at how, every week, the Appropriations K-12 Subcommittee has consistently "ran out of time" to allow every voice to be heard.

We've just been notified this morning the K-12 Subcommittee has called an additional meeting to hear additional public testimony tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 30 at 2pm

Capitol Building, Room 352 (House Appropriations Room)

Lansing, Michigan

Due to the short notice of this meeting I am counting on your assistance to spread the word to other advocates. Please forward this message to your contacts, as this is an important effort in taking a stand against these unnecessary cuts. I encourage you to please forward this invitation to your school contacts, be they officials, administrators, teachers, parents, students, PTA members, coaches, club advisors.

The budget proposed by Governor Snyder will devastate our schools:

· $700 to $1000 per pupil reductions

· Raids the School Aid Fund for K-12 to cover up Higher Education/Community Colleges cuts

· The potential for further ballooning of class sizes, outdated textbooks and technology, elimination of extracurricular activities and slashing of essential transportation services.

· Raids the School Aid Fund for K-12 to cover up Higher Education/Community Colleges cuts

Cutting education this deep will hurt our children's ability to get into college or compete for good-paying jobs. It will rob our state of the highly qualified workforce needed to attract job providers to Michigan. It will devastate Michigan's economic recovery. We can't allow the budget to be balanced on the backs of our children.

There is a new website at www.fightschoolcuts.com that contains an interactive map to look up any school district in Michigan and see how these cuts impact your community. You can also sign the online petition to oppose Governor Snyder's plan.

Your involvement will provide REAL feedback in the following ways:

· Acknowledging ongoing cost-saving measures already occurring

· Providing perspective from local school community members that will be impacted

· Speaking to the changes that SHOULD be happening instead of "just cutting" budgets

If you are able to attend and have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at (888) DIST-027 toll free. If you are unable to attend but wish to submit your written testimony, please email your concerns to Ellenlipton@house.mi.gov .

Committee 101 Basics:

Arrive early, testimony is on a first come first serve basis

Fill out a committee card to let them know you would like to testify

A written copy of your testimony is preferred, but not required, in addition to your public comments. Please bring 15 copies of your testimony.

Before you leave please check the Committee schedule to assure no last minute changes have been made at:


You may use these helpful links to locate parking in downtown Lansing: http://housenet.mihouse.mi.gov/NewMemberPages/images/DowntownLansingMap.gif
