1. (EAA)
Education Achievement Authority. Overreach. Overkill.
Although it was capped at 50 schools in the lame duck session, it is
still a bad law. It is bad for urban
schools. It is bad for all schools. Please read: http://www.miparentsforschools.org/node/184
2. Oxford
Foundation school financing revamp. This
unbundling of schools will take local control away. We will have our districts become the ATM for
children’s education while still being held responsible for test scores and
other administrative costs. This is a
boon for cyber schools.
3. Expansion
of choice. We are revisiting the
uncapping of charter and cyber schools with the ability of any entity to open a
school. These schools will be able to
have entrance criteria. Our local public
schools take everyone. These schools
will take the least expensive students and our society will be ever more