Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sample Letters for Cyber School Vote Reconsideration

Dear Representative Lyons—

The vote to pass the Cyber School Legislation was so close, it must mean that the State of Michigan Legislators and residents are not yet ready to allow virtually unlimited for-profit cyber schools in Michigan which will drain resources for current brick and mortar schools.  When the Michigan House reconsiders this legislation, please vote no.

Best Regards,
Your Constituent in the 86th Districrt,

Dear Representative MacGregor—

The vote to pass the Cyber School Legislation was so close, it must mean that the State of Michigan Legislators and residents are not yet ready to allow virtually unlimited for-profit cyber schools in Michigan which will drain resources for current brick and mortar schools.  When the Michigan House reconsiders this legislation, please vote no.

Best Regards,
Your Constituent in the 86th soon to be the 73rd district,