Thursday, April 14, 2011

A couple more sample letters...find the email addresses on the link side bar

Dear Ms. Posthumus Lyons—

I understand that the budget bill is coming out of committee and soon the House will vote on the budget, including the School Aid Fund. I want to let you know that I support the notion that Proposal A was passed by Michigan voters in 1994 as a way to fund K-12 schools. When the state took over funding schools, it brought property tax relief and a more equitable funding source to schools. The big flaw in Proposal A was that the pot of money for schools would not keep up when times were tough. Well, during this severe economic downturn, the School Aid Fund was well funded enough to provide for schools this year and next year without cuts. Last year, the legislature borrowed money from the School Aid Fund for other parts of the state budget. This year, that pot of money was so attractive, that the higher education budget was placed in it. While I am supportive of all education, higher education can still raise money through millages for operating dollars and through tuition. Placing higher education in the School Aid Fund obliterates Proposal A and the voters’ wishes. Fix Proposal A or remove higher education from that revenue pot. The schools have had zero gain or cuts for the last seven years. The schools will have to eliminate essential programs that support my kids if these cuts go through. Please vote against the governor’s budget proposal.


Dear Senator Jansen—

I understand that the Senate is working hard on alternative budget proposals for the State of Michigan. I support your careful review of these issues. I am writing to you today to tell you that I support the notion that Proposal A was passed by Michigan voters in 1994 as a way to fund K-12 schools. When the state took over funding schools, it brought property tax relief and a more equitable funding source to schools. The big flaw in Proposal A was that the pot of money for schools would not keep up when times were tough. Well, during this severe economic downturn, the School Aid Fund was well funded enough to provide for schools this year and next year without cuts. Last year, the legislature borrowed money from the School Aid Fund for other parts of the state budget. This year, that pot of money was so attractive, that the higher education budget was placed in it. While I am supportive of all education, higher education can still raise money through millages for operating dollars and through tuition. Placing higher education in the School Aid Fund obliterates Proposal A and the voters’ wishes. Fix Proposal A or remove higher education from that revenue pot. The schools have had zero gain or cuts for the last seven years. The schools will have to eliminate essential programs that support my kids if these cuts go through. Please vote against the governor’s budget proposal.
