Sunday, November 7, 2010

About the Federal Dollars from Your Leg Committee and Grassroots President

From Lucy:  Below is a reminder from Rockford Superintendent Mike Shibler about the federal funds that were promised to the schools at the beginning of this school year.  East Grand Rapids Schools along with every other school district is depending on these funds to make it through this school year.  We don't know what will happen next year when there will be no more federal funds to support the School Aid Fund.  In the mean time, we need to remind our legislators to send these federal dollars to schools. 

Sen. Mark Jansen (517) 373-0797

(He's still our Rep until January)  Rep. Dave Hildenbrand  (517) 373-0846
(Our new rep in January) Lisa PosthumosLyons

With the election out of the way, legislators need to return to work and appropriate the federal school stimulus funding to our schools. You may recall they appropriated these funds in late September but did so in a manner that prompted the US Education Department to reject the funding formula. Our schools are planning on these dollars to operate. Please contact your legislators and the governor encouraging them to immediately resolve this issue by applying the 2x formula for school funding to the federal Edujobs funds. It is imperative they do this next week. Thanks for your assistance with this.

Mike Shibler