On Tuesday, January 15, 2013, Christie Ramsey, parent advocate from Rockford and Elizabeth Lykins, parent advocate from East Grand Rapids, presented a lively overview of education advocacy. 200 people came from all over West Michigan to hear this wisdom. The presentation included an overview of the history of Proposal A, cuts over the last several years and how to advocate in Lansing. We found ourselves in a positive atmosphere with an opportunity to really do something to protect our schools. We learned that many of our districts that are doing things well need to be celebrated and publicized by the constituency that has not had much of a voice in Lansing, PARENTS!! Parent advocacy is going to be the new voice in the struggle in Lansing for preservation of what is going right in Lansing. We need to preserve local control of our schools. We need to preserve how our schools maintain our communities. Go to the next GRASSROOTS/Friends of Kent County Schools regular meeting Thursday, January 31, 2013 in the KISD building
2930 Knapp Street NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525