Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PTA Michigan Legislative Alert to Tell Legislators to Vote No on HB 619

Active Legislation Senate Bill 619 (H-3) — Expand Cyber Schools
Senate Bill 619 (H-3), as reported out of the House Education Committee, seeks to expand enrollment in online learning for Michigan’s children without regard for past success or sustainability. We oppose its passage and urge legislators to look at ways of ensuring online learning for all Michigan students that has a track record of success and a real chance at making all students career ready and college capable.
STATUS:· Has been passed out of the House Education Committee and awaits a full vote by the House. Senate has already approved.

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Here is the Michigan House Fiscal Agency Analysis of 619.  Get the pros and cons.  Look at which groups support and oppose the bill.  It is long, but it is worth it.
