Legislative Alert: Cyber school expansion vote expected this week |
Last week the House Education Committee voted on a bill that will remove all limits on the number of online cyber charter schools in Michigan. Senate Bill 619 has already passed the Senate and your representative could vote on it this week.
Unlimited cyber schools are the wrong choice for our state. There is simply not enough evidence of student achievement to support uncapping the number of these schools allowed to operate. In addition, cyber schools will receive full funding per student despite significantly lower overhead costs than traditional public schools. Is this fair? But there is still time to stop this bill.
If you haven't done so already Click here to tell your Representative to put the brakes on this dangerous idea.
Watch Superintendent Dr. Shibler on WZZM 13: School money boost not enough
Our upcoming Friends of Kent County Schools Grassroots meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, February 23, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Kent ISD Educational Service Center in the Coldwater Room.
Spread the word and bring a friend to our next meeting. We look forward to growing our grassroots network this year. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at friendsofkentcounty@gmail.com.