Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Alert From Friends of Kent County Schools

Please call your state representative about the charter school bill TODAY!!
In the last week, we've asked you to make phone calls to the House urging a no vote on Senate Bill 618, the bill that expands the number of university charter schools without regard to quality. We're asking, once again, that you make this call. It's important that we keep pressure on state legislators to look at policy rather than politics when making decisions about the future of education in our state.

Friends of Kent County Schools opposes the legislation because it seeks quantity over quality in charter school expansion. Weeks of testimony from high performing charters illuminated that there are bright spots in the charter industry. But what isn't talked about is the fact that many charter schools operate on the persistently low achieving list and leave thousands of students behind. We need safeguards in the bill to ensure that only the best of the best are allowed to replicate and only in areas of the highest need. Legislators have promised a subcommittee to deal with quality. These quality safeguards must be a part of the bill, not part of a politically motivated exercise. Several times during the hearings on this bill, amendments were offered to address the quality concerns-they were defeated. Additionally, the bill removes any requirement for charter schools and cyber schools to report to the Michigan Department of Education on success.
EMAIL your representative NOW! Make sure they know where you stand and how important it is to oppose this bill.  Click here  to find your state representative by zip code.
Contact Us
Phone: 616.240.2256