As this session of the legislature comes to a close, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your efforts on behalf of children. Your hard work is valuable, and it is making a difference. Last night the Legislature passed a school aid supplemental bill (HB5887) that distributed the federal EduJobs funds via the 2x formula. Most of our districts will benefit greatly from this, as those at the base foundation level will receive $222 per pupil while those with the highest foundation grants will receive just half that amount. This would not have happened without your hard work over the years, communicating to legislators the basic unfairness and inequity of distributing increased funding equally among all districts. If you have the time, contact your legislators via email and thank them for distributing these dollars via the 2x formula. I expect to see many of you during the next month, but if I don’t, have a great holiday season. I look forward to working with you on behalf of children when the Legislature and our new administration begins work in January. Cheers!
Ron Koehler, KISD