Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Three Main Points from the October 4, 2010 meeting

1. Candidate Forum, Hot Topics in Education Legislation, Monday, October 18, 2010 7pm at the Community Center. Please plan on coming and please encourage parents in your circle to come. Questions for the candidates are being formalized and Committee members will ask them as well as asking for questions from the audience that night.

2. $154 in per pupil funding was restored for each public school student in Michigan in due to federal funding through the Edu-jobs bill passed in August. Although this replaces all of the money cut last year, the money is one-time federal dollars and still does not address what the state is going to do next year when all federal dollars have dried up.

3. The 3% increase in teacher contribution to the retirement fund is being placed in a holding fund due to an MEA class action lawsuit. So, the % of each salary dollar spent on retirement is going to rise over the next few years even though teachers are paying more.