What | Contact Governor Granholm and your state House members today and ask them to sign a pledge opposing transfers from the School Aid Fund to programs previously funded by the state's general fund. |
When | Now! Legislators are expected to vote on the School Aid budget next week, so we need to contact them now and let them know it's wrong to take money from our children to finance other programs. |
How | Send an email using the message language and email links below. |
Background | Governor Granholm and legislative leaders are threatening to divert up to $300 million from the School Aid Fund to cover shortages in the general fund. This would maintain cuts in this year's foundation grant and continue those cuts into next year instead of restoring full funding for our children. |
Message | Already, more than 40 members of the Michigan House have signed a pledge opposing the transfer of School Aid Fund revenues to general fund programs.
Our schools have cut teachers and scaled back services to manage the $165 per student cut to school funding this year. Now that additional dollars are available, it is an outrage for legislators to consider stealing these funds from our children and giving them to other state programs.
Rep. Terry Brown and our education associations are asking legislators to pledge their commitment to fully funding schools with school aid dollars. No diversions! Please, join me and your colleagues in support of schoolchildren by opposing the transfer of School Aid Funds to other programs. |
Contact Information | Use these links:
http://www.michigan.gov/gov/0,1607,7-168-21995---,00.html |