Monday, December 7, 2009

What Michigan Citizens are Saying About Education Funding...

Have you ever wondered what other communities and voters in Michigan are thinking and saying about funding for K-12 education in these difficult economic times?  Recently EPIC-MRA conducted a statewide poll, asking the opinions of "active and likely voters" regarding education funding.  The results reveal that the majority of respondents are quite concerned about reductions in school funding.   

Thinking about the current economic conditions in Michigan, and the state budget situation, 79% of Michigan's likely voters believe that funding for local public schools should not be cut.  In addition, 60% report that their local public school district has less funding than is needed to provide a quality education to students.  

Public opinion polls like this one help us communicate with our legislators about the priorities of the voters that elected them.  Use this information next time you contact your legislators.  It will strengthen your arguments for adequate school funding, and underscore that you are speaking for the majority of voters when you speak up for quality schools for our kids.

See the actual poll questions and the results at the link to the EPIC-MRA Education Poll on the right in the Informative Links section of our blog.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Education Forum in Cedar Springs, Monday, December 7 at 5:00 p.m.

QUESTIONS?  Contact Winnie Brinks ( 
or Lucy LaFleur (

Grass Roots


Senate Appropriations Chair Ron Jelinek
Senator Mark Jansen
Representative Tom Pearce


Forum on the Future of Education in Michigan.


Cedar Springs High School Auditorium
Cedar Springs High School
204 East Muskegon Street


5 p.m. Monday, December 7


Michigan's school funding system is broken.  School districts are being hit with the largest budget cuts in the history of our current school funding formula, with the prospect of more next year. 

These cuts are unacceptable. Join Kent Grassroots members at  5 p.m. Monday, December 7 to let Senate Appropriations Chair Ron Jelinek and local legislators Mark Jansen and Tom Pearce know we must do more for our children. 


Your friends and neighbors and bring them along.  We need to fill the auditorium to send a message!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Advocacy Opportunity Tuesday, Nov. 10

Funding for schools is at a critical crossroads if we want our children to enjoy the high quality education provided by EGRPS. K-12 public education as we know it will change if something is not done soon.  Significant cuts were made to this school year's budget in anticipation of reduced funding.  Now EGRPS will have to cut as much as an additional $1,000,000 out of an already bare-bones budget.   

Make a difference and car pool with fellow parents from Kent County school districts to Lansing on Tuesday, November 10.  Meet in the Middle School parking lot by 8:30 a.m.  The Governor will give a speech on the Capitol steps at 10:00 a.m.  We will then have the chance to meet with our legislators to urge them to restore funding desperately needed by our public schools.  Depending on numbers, seats on a chartered bus may be available.

Your voice has never been more important to our public education system.  Email with any questions.